Wednesday, January 27, 2010

-SSS- shows coming soon!

this ministry has been in the works for about a year now & i'm finally doing something to get going with it! my previous post has the full story if you're interested in the background details. here's an explanation of what -SSS- shows is all about...

(-) i will be organizing Christian concerts for the youth of Harlingen as well as the surrounding areas. my "target audience" will be anybody in the age range of 13-30 in Harlingen. all shows will be held in Harlingen unless requested in nearby towns such as San Benito, Rio Hondo, La Feria, etc. also, they will be "all ages" shows as everybody is welcome. entire families are encouraged to come out & enjoy the shows together.

(-) my goal is to work with many youth groups in the Harlingen churches to bring them fun shows & introduce them to some amazing Christian bands. i hope to be able to minister to the youth in my area by sharing God-glorifying music.

(-) another major goal is to help out the Christian music scene in this area grow. most of the musicians that come down to the Valley only play in the McAllen area which makes it difficult for those of us in the Brownsville-Harlingen area to attend. the jr high & high school kids who don't drive can't make it to shows that are an hour's drive away. and for those of us who are older & can drive ourselves, it's not always practical to make the trip just to see a concert. vehicular maintenance isnt cheap. we have to pay for gas & be sure our rides are in safe condition for the trip. and not to mention the loss of time due to travel. by bringing good shows to Harlingen, more young people in this area are able to attend.

(-) the bands i will be supporting are those who aren't super well-known. i just can't afford to bring in the big names like tobyMac (although i would really love to some day!) for now, i'd like to focus on Texas bands. i'm starting out with those local to the Valley, Corpus, San Antonio & will most definitely be getting some bands i know that are from the Dallas area. (i used to live up there & still consider those bands local to me) since most of the bands i plan to work with are smaller, i will do whatever i can to help them out when they come down. if they need a place to crash, food to eat, help with merch tables, setting up/tearing down, pretty much anything, i'm will to help however i can & hope that i can find others in the area that will also help where they can.

currently, i'm trying to set up my first show for spring break. aiming for either Monday or Tuesday evening. i will post details as soon as something is set in stone. blog updates will be posted as soon as possible so keep an eye out!

**please note that "Harlingen" also includes Combes & Primera**

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