Tuesday, June 8, 2010

it's summer time! it's a new season!!!

it's been a while since i've posted & a new post is most definitely passed due! i won't attempt to make up for lost time because that would be ridiculous & exhausting. instead, i will try to give a quick run-through of why i seemed to disappear.

things weren't exactly panning out or moving forward like i'd hoped back in February, so needless to say, i was easily distracted from working on building this ministry. i had applied to work on the 2010 census & they finally called me up. the positions are all temporary, so i figured it would be good to show my parents i was actively seeking employment rather than being a lazy homebody. unfortunately, this job was a full time spot that kinda wore me out a bit. originally, i had every intention of renewing at the end of my certification period... but i got sick within the last few days of my employment so i decided to resign. it was some type of flu, but not swine. the actual flu part only hit me a few days, but it took a couple of weeks for me to get rid of all the coughing & soreness of throat. so i spent most of April sick & trying to get back to my previous state of health. by the time May came around, i was in a bit of a funk. anhedonia settled in, leading me to go back to sleeping late, waking up to only waste my day watching tv & movies, playing on the internets, and not even really talking to people. the only the that really kept me from falling into a deep pit of depression was my brand new bicycle. it was my mother's day gift & it made me feel like a kid again. it's only been about a month now, but i've been trying to take it for a ride at LEAST 2-3 times a week. the fresh air it gave me was sweet. the time to myself was amazing. even if i only rode a short distance, it made me feel free. (now i want to go ride my bike!) but still, nothing could be more sweet or amazing or freeing than the feeling i had last night... in this very room actually. yesterday, i started summer school. only one class this time, but still every day. Mondays & Tuesdays my sister has workshops to attend just down the block from campus, so we carpool. my class is in the afternoon, her workshop in the evening. so i'm here in time for class, then i get about 4 hours to just hang out in the nursing lounge (because it's quieter in here). with Rock It Fest in Robstown being a few days away, my thoughts rushed back to this ministry i so eagerly began half a year ago. i decided to try picking back up where i left off & not letting anything be an excuse to hold it down... not even school. last night, i decided to check MySpace to get some information. what i discovered was a simple comment posted a whole 2 months ago by a band i hope to work with some day. it was so encouraging. it inspired me to post a blog, so i did. i thought about reposting it here, but it's kinda long (like this one) & a little bit random. but today, i felt a different blog would be better suited for this site. and here we are. if you'd like to read the one from last night, you can find it here --> blogs.MySpace.com/SSSshows

this post started out as a sort of intro to the myspace post from last night, but the Lord lead me in a different direction. that post actually has some pretty good stuff in it & doesn't go into as much detail on my "hiatus" as this one did. read it if you've got time, i'd really like to get some feedback.

technically, we haven't gotten into summer just yet, but most of us see it as summertime already. and as the title says: it's a new season! a new season in my spiritual life. and i'm determined to work hard at keeping it from going dormant again. be praying, as this is sure to upset the Enemy, who will undoubtably try to stop me from growing & helping others to grow.

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